Don’t Think About It

You don’t have to think
yes, yes, really…
you’ve made it…
you’re here…
even if you sit alone…
drinking alone…
you’ve made it big.

Your thoughts are just a sport
that bounce about in your closet,
it’s best to keep that door shut
or they’ll all come tumbling out
helter skelter, willy nilly,
too fast to keep score.

Don’t think about it,
thoughts are best kept under wraps.
Can’t sleep?
Don’t think about it.
You have nothing to fear, or do you?

There’s the monster
that hides under your bed,
the ghost that shrieks in the night.
Haunting only you.
Nightmares, night sweats,
is it after midnight already?
Where’s that night light?
Why not leave all the lights on?
No need to see those shadows on your wall,
dancing, frolicking throughout the night.

© Copyright Tom Wawzenek 2024